Are you winning the zero moment of truth (ZMOT)?

  • Great post Chis, I totally agree with everything said in this article! The way people buy has totally changed and as long as you are in front of your prospective customers and provide as much information as possible to them on your product or services you don’t usually need to sell, just assist as they already have their wallet out by the time they have contacted you.

    • Chris Marr

      Hi Ben,

      Thanks for your comments. Yes, it’s all about being helpful; a trusted advisor.

      Don’t forget to be awesome!


  • Aw man! You have no idea how much I loved this article! I have been questioning whether you can give ‘too much’ info but this has brought me right back to the truth.

    When I am researching before a buying decision – the more clear information provided for me to read or hear or see, the better. Thanks Chris!

    • Chris Marr

      Hey Julie,

      Thanks for your comments.

      Business owners need to think just like you – I.e. Think about their own behaviour as a consumer and what they need in order to make a buying decision.

      Have a great week and don’t forget to be awesome!


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